The MiniDos low-mid-flow, fluid (water) driven proportional injectors offer an ideal alternative to traditional, non-electric pump technology. The injectors are compact and offer the widest range of injection ratios.
MiniDos is designed with a patented internal mixing chamber
The MiniDos low-mid-flow, fluid (water) driven proportional injectors offer an ideal alternative to traditional, non-electric pump technology. The injectors are compact and offer the widest range of injection ratios.
• Propietary composite body, which exceeds PVDF for chemical compatibility and for mixing aggressive chemicals.
• Built-in on/off switch, which allows user to stop the injection, but not the system.
• Separate internal mixing chamber to prevent chemical contact with motor piston, for longer life and uniform mixing.
• Highest standard operating pressure in the industry, minimizing pressure surge damage.